Smartians have Smart Home

The word 'SMART' is the favorable word when I was a kid. "She is smart enough to handle this work. "Her looks are smart". These sentences made my times. Interestingly, we human beings are already  SMARTIANS. Our intention is to be smart in every tasks that we take in charge and so nothing wrong in preferring smart gadgets and to join hand with flipkart #SmartHomeRevolution 

Smart portable room air purifier, Smart watches, Smart lights, Smart cameras, Smart mobiles,Smart tv, Smart door locks, Smart health band, Smart assistants, Smart ceiling fan, Smart A/C, Smart tracker, Smart V/R glasses who else can provide so many smart gadgets to your doorstep than our most trusted and assured Flipkart. So, come all you readers let's join with flipkart in campaigning #GetFitWithFlipkart to shape ourselves like Indian soldiers to fight back occurrences.

Smart Watches:

Watches are my favorite accessories to wear which makes me feel more punctual but with pendulum work tasks to be completed without any leisure for my health. Today, smart watches guide and cares more than oneself. These smart watches are available in multi colors of my choice which freshens up the coolness on my wrist. With advanced fitness tracker they provide me healthy lifestyle and inner peace by shooing away the chaos.

Smart Lights:

Think of parties, then music and movies are the first thing that gives us the best ambiance. To bring up that moody effects we need smart lights. I'm talking about my favorite Philips Hue which could be connected with your smart assistants and smart phones. With these available hues I could make my tunnel beautiful and delightful every moment with my pink glossy lipstick smile.

Smart Air purifiers:

Nowadays,breathing naturally has become hazardous. The hour has come where companies have started to sell air in containers. Just look back to those times where we inhaled fresh green air. But today lets take a moment to thank our technology for inventing air purifiers with wireless control through our smart phones. Lets do pranayama at home free from pollen,allergens, bacteria and harmful particles happily.

Smart Tracker:

Panasonic has launched Seekit loop to wake up us from our absent minded. These have Bi directional tracking along with separation indicator that makes it virtually impossible for you to leave your belongings behind. Hear an alert on your smartphones as soon as your valuble disconnects. The app shows last seen location, and also comes with proximity guidance to track as you move closer to your valuable things. Even you can make a pendant out with seekit for your kids so that if they gone missing seekit will seek for you.

When flipkart asked which product would fit me as well as my country population. A lots of smart creative bulb ideas popped out. Some have been shared below:

Smart Razors 

A smart technology razor with B29 bomber to eradicate my hair strands which grows within a couple of days of shaving . I don't know how on the earth, hairs are so much fast in growing? I need the gadget to be super specific in next date when I should turn to a self cutting barber. So, yes this could be controlled and rescued only by today's smart technologies. 

Smart Pillows

I need a smart pillow which would save all my ambitious and quirky dreams. I also need my smart pillow to check out my snoring frequency, somnambulism, somniloquy. Every mornings would be fun filled and creative filled day with the chance of learning my inner soul. Will love to share those with my family and friends.

Smart Doormats

A smart doormat which would scan my family footprint to allow them inside. No more key losing problems. A double tap with the feet is enough to recognize the members to enter their dynasty.

Smart Kitchen Queen

I really long for this smart device which are to be fixed in the doors of kitchen to specify about the vegetables, fruits, groceries that are unavailable in my kitchen. Also it must provide me the relishing recipe that could be prepared without the veggies and fruits that are unavailable on that day. 
It should send me the message of grocery list during my return from work.  During emergencies like gas leakages, power shut down on refrigerator it should send me an alarm notification.

Smart Hide&Seek

Hidden cameras in hotels,malls,toilets are fiendish and frightful. Before entering any of these places women takes out her mobile to check network availability which the tech freaks have taught us recently. In vain, it confuses and doesn't work well. We women need a smart device to find those creepy lens watching us in front and back. But we need that smart device in the low cost budget. This smart device must be available for all rural,urban class women around our country.

Inventors and scientists are you reading this?
Thank you flipkart and Indiblogger  for making bloggers and readers, go craze on fitness and smartness for all these days. Enjoyed much in writing about #GetFitWithFlipkart and #SmartHomeRevolution 

Thanking Google and Pixabay for sharing such beautiful snaps.


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