Warrior FireWomen

Fire on the mountain run,run,run

Everyone ran back yelling out in fear but she took altitude level of strength and lioness stamina to save lives inside the blazing heat. I'm feeling happy and proud to write about the shero PRIYA RAVICHANDRAN ,a woman firefighter from Tamilnadu. 

Many myths persist about a woman's physical strength to perform such kind of works. The reality is however is that most men can't do it either. Here lot of women have got their courageous shoes on to risk their life knowing that they are gonna miss and spend time away from friends and family. Possessing each day with mental character to wake up knowing that you have to risk your life. This job is selfless, with great skill and incredible sheroism. 

I would like to give a huge shout out and warm hug to PRIYA RAVICHANDRAN for marking her name in male dominated board and for kicking out those stereotype. She has made women proud becoming the first fire fighter in Tamilnadu.

PRIYA completed her bachelor's degree in corporate secretariatship in chennai and her masters ,M.Phil in sociology at jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi. She completed her Divisional Officer course at National Fire Service College, Nagpur, with distinction and went training at Fire Service College, Moreton in Marsh,England. She is not only few women in the force but first woman Divisional Officer of India. She got her job order just 10 days after her daughter was born. With the support of family and senior officers at training facility she was permitted to stay with her infant daughter. A young mother who withstood all tough physical training with patience towards her passion has made her officer in August 2003. Her first posting was in Coimbatore in 2004 where she underwent many operations including fire breakage in cotton mill lasted for 7 hours. A temple structure that collapsed badly trapping a constructors for over two hours. Another major incident that took place on Pongal one of the most celebrated festivals in Tamilnadu. A fire during the festival season in a heritage building was something that was unexpected on night Jan15 2012. Priya immediately rushed to the spot. She entered the burning building risking her life along with her few colleagues to save innocent lives. The ceiling collapsed on them,Priya managed to get out but receiving 50℅ of burns. The fire engulfed a brave fireman. One of the incidents of fire that Priya has dealt in her career.

She was the first women in her department to receive the Anna medal for Bravery 2012. 

President's Award for gallantry 2013 from Chief Minister of Tamilnadu.

Femina Penn Sakthi Award 2013.

Award for Selfless Service in Search and Rescue Operation honoured by Chief Minister of Tamilnadu 2014.

A mother of two daughters and a caring wife,the Divisional Officer says "Women perform every task with utmost sincerity to fly with their own colors. More and more women must involve themselves to serve our nation and public. 

" Studies show women are biologically more likely to survive than men. Their haemoglobin level is generally low. Yet,they go about their day to day business. I will be happy to have women in my team," says Connaught Place fire station officer,Rajesh Shukla.

PRIYA RAVICHANDRAN is a terrible combatant who will motivate young aspirants to join the force. Let's rebuild and work by learning and hearing others motivation voice. It's just a tiny hole,let's drill deeper to a tunnel so that light travels. Let our future warriors give last breath of pure oxygen by planting saplings in our grave. 

Every women in the world is born with flaming fire in her heart. She knows when to burn down her hurdles,until then she trains up her mental strength to bang out firestorm shutting down the sun's blaze. That's why girls are super HOT every time. Don't dare to touch her. 

When a Greek pirate ship sails in to loot the wealth of the Cholas, it is brutally defeated by the navy and forced to pay a compensation. A payment that includes a twelve-year-old girl, Aremis. Check out this new historical novel Empire (http://bit.ly/DeviEmpire) with a warrior woman, Aremis at the heart of the novel.


  1. Thank you for highlighting the career of this amazing woman. We have a duty to bring their stories into the open to inspire our daughters and show women's strengths.

  2. I feel so proud when I read stories of such courageous women. She truly is a brave soul. Kudos

    1. Yes,let's feel proud to be a Women.
      Thank you Swathi

  3. Thanks for writing about sucha great lady. I feel immensely proud to be a woman when I read such inspiring women. such stories need to be told to our girls too so they learn to be mentally and physically strong. Lets break all barriers. Priya you are great, All the best!

    1. Let's get inspired by such wonder ladies in our country. My wishes to you. Thanks.😊

  4. It's inspirational and motivating to read about Priya. Really she's a strong woman. More power to her and to you for bring out such brave women stories. Happy to join with you for #MyFriendAlexa !!!

  5. I've never heard of a woman firefighter before and it's news to me that in India we actually have one. More power to Priya for motivating and inspiring other women to this hazardous job. Saving lives in such difficult conditions is commendable indeed

    1. You are absolutely right. I'm happy for spreading her story to my readers.
      Thank you 😊

  6. Woman has power to do anything ...thanks for bringing this

    1. Thanks for Reading and commenting Ruchi😊

  7. Every women in the world is born with flaming fire in her heart. awesome line and excellent post. Thanks for sharing about the unsung sheroes

    1. Thank you Priyanka for your love on my post.😊

  8. This is indeed a fitting tribute to a courageous woman who is breaking the myths about what women can do.

    1. Thank you Akshata for reading.
      My wishes to you.

  9. What a wonderful inspiring woman! Thanks for sharing this with us.

    1. Thanks for sharing your view Piyusha.😊

  10. She is such a bad-ass woman. I think we all need more stories like this to make us realize what's our potential & what we are capable of. Hats off to her and to you for bringing this story to us.

    1. Hahaa Thanks Shalu for reading and commenting. My wishes to you.😊

  11. Hats off to women of such strength

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting Sonia
      My wishes to you.😊

  12. Reading this post makes me happy and inpires me to work harder in life.
    Priya's life is indeed a grest example for the women of our country who are afraid to be independent in life

    1. Exactly Dixita
      Thanks for sharing your view. My wishes to you😊

  13. Kudos to the warrior women.
    Just a suggestion- Keep the font uniform.

    1. Thank you Pooja. Problem with my draft page it gets to work on itself without my permission. Thanks for shooting out.😊

  14. What an inspiring post. Applause to Priya Ravichandran, what a brave soul and applause to you Shraestha to for penninig down the story. Loved reading it.

    1. Thanks a lot Shamik. My wishes to you.😊

  15. This is very inspiring. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

  16. Wow! This is such an inspiring tale! How I wish our school books had such real-life heroes for all to know and follow.

  17. Reading your post inspires me to put in more effort everyday.She is such an amazing woman. Thank you for sharing her story

  18. she is really an inspiration to all women. so nice to know about our sheroes. thank you for sharing!

  19. She is a true hero and will be an inspiration to girls all over the world who think certain things cannot be done by them because they are women.

  20. In all honesty, this is the first time ever that I have heard of a lady fire fighter. She's right -- more women should get in to roles of these kinds.

  21. Another kick to the ones who think Woman place is only Kitchen. Thanks for sharing this. #MyFriendAlexa #BioscopeReads

  22. Priya is truly one brave woman. And I have heard a woman fire officer for the first time. I Salute to such woman and wish more strength to her.

  23. Very inspiring. Wanted more though- how she started, any bias she faced etc

  24. Such an inspiring lady, fighting with all gender based taboo she not only does a muscle's job but saves life too. Amazing person, thanks for introducing her to us.

  25. Wow..What an inspirational story. Priya is a true example of grit and determination. I salute her and her bravery.

  26. A wonderful inspirational story! Thank you for sharing Priya's story! Respect her courage and will. It is great to know our country is finally embracing women in this field too.

  27. That is one woman of steel. Salute her spirit. Thank you for sharing her story with us Shraesta. :)

  28. Such an inspiring lady who is breaking all gender stereotypes. Thanks for sharing her story.

  29. Very inspiring and a fitting answer to all those who think that women cannot be physically strong.

    Very nicely written.

  30. Such a courageous lady and what an inspiring story! She is a role model for girls who think their gender puts them at a disadvantage.

  31. What an inspiring story. Women are powerful!

  32. Inspiration much. This needs to be told to people. Thank you for writing about her!

  33. Such a courageous lady and what an inspiring story! She is a role model for girls who think their gender puts them at a disadvantage.

  34. That's a bold move ! For a country like India, she has taken a step in the right direction.

  35. Felt nice reading this post. Hat's off to Priya. Would like to salute this lady for her grit and bravery.

  36. It's the stories like this that should be read to li'l girls instead of those damsel-in-distress types.

  37. Story of courageous women like Priya are not only inspiring but also set milestones for generations to come to look upon.

  38. Wow! It's lovely to read such stories of great heroism and bravery wherein people go out of their way to help others.

  39. Love the way you began the post, Fire in the mountain run run...
    But these brave women could give most a run for their money :)

  40. This was such an inspiring piece! More people like her should be there. We must all put aside our inhibitions and be selfless.

  41. So inspirational this is, glad to read about her life story !

  42. This is making me feel so happy .Women can do anything they put their mind to.Thank you for sharing this beautiful ,inspiring story.

  43. A truly inspiring story. There is nothing stopping a woman!!

  44. What an inspiring story. A big round of applause to Priya.I liked te lines Girls are super hot..don't dare to touch them.thanks shraesta for sharing such an inspiring story.

  45. I had never heard of women firefighters before. Its such an inspiring and motivating read. Thanks for writing about it.

    Neha (Sharing Our Experiences)

  46. Wow, thats an interesting job description. Happy to know about such a courageous lady!

  47. Stories of these inspiring women should be shared more and more. I am so happy to know about such strong lady. Thank you for sharing this.

  48. Such an inspiring post.. loved reading it

  49. Such stories are so important to pass. Thanks for writing this.


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