Singular dreamland WOW Prompt

I kidnapped a sheep and shaved its hair to make a fluffy cloud. At kitchen backyard everyday my mother watered muddy black seeds. In return they gave birth to bulky watermelons. 

Door bell rang, I immediately skidded to open, it was the plumber boy. He fixed faucet in each watermelon babies to pee. I swirled the faucet to rain towards her balcony. I watered her with Melony flavor. Her nude lips got a good red shade to kiss. I pouted to kiss her but my lip shade smelt betelnut flavor. 

I woke up from my car window seat and found it was the lady from the bus who have spitted the betel. 

Its an aftermath effect of every singles. As pug follows Vodafone,these aunties follow my dreams.

‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’ 


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