Magical Clouds

Elevated coconut trees with  heads of serpents

thundering to blow off coconuts into halves

Lightnings energizes sweet water 

Clouds extract every pulp to coconut milk

Breezy air blows with strong essence with high antioxidants

Silky liquids from nuts without any emulsifiers, additives, hydrogenated fats

Full of flavor for my skin and hair, pouring virgin coconut oil

Showers like a ayurvedic rain to refresh my dullness

Every drop from the dark clouds moisturizes my skin

Lowers bad cholesterol with a single lick 

Controls acne, dandruff, gives out fluffy volume of hair

I glow every rain oily season without any need of head and body massages 

Every drop I save by rain oil harvesting

All I need is the magical cloud of coconut oil 
So that my town remains unknown of the word "Bald".

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’ 


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