Life is a box of

My life is a box of firecrackers. I have got assortment of emotions through which I sparkle along with my dark shadow. I run and swirl as ground spinners all day until I'm knackered. I love to spread happiness as smoke bombs. I exert the strength higher and higher as a flower pots. My sorrows, snags are tied along with bottled rockets to pierce the dark sky with a sharp implement. My friends and family are encircled as 1000 wala garland to fulfill my box with extra flamboyants.

Each person who enters my life, gets a box. Some have their own ,
But most have to share. The people that touch my heart for just a moment,those people that change my life, the ones that are my true friends, have got a special bombardment to open those boxes. I love the boxes I have,I cherish each one.

I'll love them until my day of death.
On that day,
I'll revel in the memories as I watch them burn,
While I float up to heaven.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian bloggers by BlogAdda.


  1. Nice post, things explained in details. Thank You.

  2. I always though it is a box of chocolates! As they say, full of surprises! :D
    But yes, more or less the moral remains the same! :)

  3. wow! loved it .
    - My sorrows, snags are tied along with bottled rockets to pierce the dark sky with a sharp implement.
    and this short poem the best ending to it.
    - I'll love them until my day of death.
    On that day,
    I'll revel in the memories as I watch them burn,
    While I float up to heaven ( my favorite line)

  4. wow! loved it .
    - My sorrows, snags are tied along with bottled rockets to pierce the dark sky with a sharp implement.
    and this short poem the best ending to it.
    - I'll love them until my day of death.
    On that day,
    I'll revel in the memories as I watch them burn,
    While I float up to heaven ( my favorite line)

  5. Loved your analogy with firecrackers. Wish all of our life is full of fun-filled firecrackers


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