Treasures I have got

Treasures are divine sparkle you get when you are inside a water world with creepers of umbilical cord pumping you all nutrients.
Yes,she is my first treasure almighty gifted me with aroma of milk and moisturized my crying throat. One person in both godly and human natures. 

Collection of family and friends snapshots,gifts,letters preserving inside a treasure trove of delights. 

Fruits and Veggies are precious colorful gems scattered everywhere 
to esteem my body as a treasure.

Books are treasure box which makes me to engage in an activity of reading with great eagerness and enthusiasm to find wolfish food to my brain.

I thank god for giving me the mental and moral qualities of character and attitude as a casket of Treasure to spread aura during my undertone times. 

Feel proud of you, because you are an masterpiece in Treasure Island. 

I am taking part in The Write Tribe Festival of Words #6 


  1. We ourselves are our biggest treasures. But only if we acknowledge and understand that the sooner the better.

  2. Life is indeed a treasure initself. Nice poetic rendition to the incredible treasures we are given by the universe.
    Nice post. 😊

  3. Oh yes, life is a treasure in itself and all the photos, gifts and everything you cherish makes it even more lovable

  4. Treasures....they are all around you. You just need to find yours.


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