- I'm happy when moon brightens the dark sky.
- I'm happy when I see humanity alive.
- I'm happy when relations don't ask "When are you getting married? "
- I'm happy when I read books to dream.
- I'm happy when my selfie looks dashing without any filters.
- I'm happy when I wear eyeliner as a border to stop shedding tears.
- I'm happy when I see snail crawling boldly from it's shell.
- I'm happy when the movie "Wonder Women" has wondered every men's heart.
- I'm happy when my friends surprises me with gifts wrapped under shells.
- I'm happy when candy clouds pour sweet and pure water.
- I'm happy when I smell Biriyani prepared by momma.
- I'm happy when Sunday arrives to make me sleep.
- I'm happy when I help needy people.
- I'm happy when I see ants doing teamwork.
- I'm happy when I see myself on mirror.
- I'm happy when I see black and white making best pair.
- I'm happy when I touch my scars,that has taught me a lesson.
- I'm happy when strangers give a flexible smile to me.
- I'm happy when music soothes my pain.
- I'm happy when I feel proud of being a women.
- I'm happy when human life teaches me a lot.
- Finally I'm happy to write for BlogAdda every week.
Warrior FireWomen
Fire on the mountain run,run,run Everyone ran back yelling out in fear but she took altitude level of strength and lioness stamina to save lives inside the blazing heat. I'm feeling happy and proud to write about the shero PRIYA RAVICHANDRAN ,a woman firefighter from Tamilnadu. Many myths persist about a woman's physical strength to perform such kind of works. The reality is however is that most men can't do it either. Here lot of women have got their courageous shoes on to risk their life knowing that they are gonna miss and spend time away from friends and family. Possessing each day with mental character to wake up knowing that you have to risk your life. This job is selfless, with great skill and incredible sheroism. I would like to give a huge shout out and warm hug to PRIYA RAVICHANDRAN for marking her name in male dominated board and for kicking out those stereotype. She has made women proud becoming the first fire fighter in Tamilnadu. PRIYA compl...
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