Three things that I will burn

Negativity is the cause of ignition and it is the combustible material of evil present within and around me. This weekend let me burn down those villains of my life with flammable atmospheric oxygen. When I burn down one negative automatically all
negatives gets flamed down as rapid as a wild fire.

Three things that I will burn this weekend are :

    Having a tendency to cling to the things I love most, unmindful of it's worst outcomes sometimes drags me to the feel of hell. Let my pole get wet to drain away my stubbornness into the fire so that I could raise my pliable flag to flutter high in my air.

      I engage being belligerent with my younger brother as the Clash of Titans. We both always argue for tiny and useless things which ends up with bore mass attacks(such as strength, bite force etc.)that lasts for minutes. This weekend with my backbone of willpower I'm gonna burn down my belligerent into ashes of holi colours to play with my loveable brother.

         I'm a pusillanimous to stay alone at home and step into darkness. I totally behave like a sloth who spends it's time hanging upside down from branches to eat,sleep,work in fear of predators at ground. This weekend I push my pusillanimous on fire and reference myself to become a sloth to a sloth Bear.
I growl at owls at dark๐Ÿป

This post is part of Write Over Weekend
an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

Wishing everyone a Happy Holi ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŽ†


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